Primary Books

Bayles, D. & Orland,T. (1993) Art and Fear. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press.
ISBN 0 – 88496-379-9

Baylor, B. (1972) When Clay Sings. New York, NY: Aladdin Books. ISBN 0-689-71106-9.

Burmark, Lynell. (2002) Visual Literacy: Learn to See, See to Learn. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
ISBN 0-87120-640-4

Clough, P. (1996) Clay in the Classroom. Worcester, MA: Davis Publications, Inc.

Cornette, C. (1999) The Arts as Meaning Makers: Integrating Literature and the Arts Throughout the
Curriculum. Columbus, OH: Prentice-Hall. ISBN0-13-792920.

Finn, D. (1985) How to Visit a Museum. New York, NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. ISBN 0-8109-2297-5

Gelb, P. (1998) How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci. New York, NY: Delacorte Press.
ISBN 0-385-32381.

Levy, V. (1983) Let’s go the Art Museum. New York, NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. ISBN 0-8109-2380-7.

London, P. (1989) No More Secondhand Art: Awakening the Artist Within. Boston, MA: Shambala
Publications, Inc. ISBN 0 – 87773-482-8.

Moore, R (editor). Aesthetics for Young People. Champaign, IL: National Art Education Association.
ISBN 0-937652-73-3.

Qualley, C. (1986). Safety in the Classroom. Worcester, MA: Davis Publications, Inc.

Tejada, I. (1993) Brown Bad Ideas from Many Cultures. Worcester, MA: Davis Publications, Inc.
ISBN 0-87192-247-9.

Topal, C. (1992). Children and Painting. . Worcester, MA: Davis Publications, Inc. ISBN 87192-241-X.

Schuman, J. (1981) Art from Many Lands: Multicultural Art Projects. Worcester, MA: Davis
Publications, Inc. ISBN0-87192-150-2

Venezia, M. (1993) Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artists Series.
Chicago, IL: Children’s Press.

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