A-L | M-R | S-Z

  1. medium - any material used to create a work of art (pencil, paint, clay, etc.)
  2. mind map - a graphic representation of information, usually with words and images
  3. motif - distinctive, usually repeated, figure, design, or color
  4. papier-mache - an ancient art consisting of paper and a binder, such as wallpaper paste or glue
  5. portrait - the likeness of a person or animal
  6. portraiture - paintings, sculptures or other artwork that creates the likeness of a person or animal
  7. profile - seen from the side
  8. proportion - the relationship between the size of part of an object to another part or whole
  9. rattan - long, thin plant stems used for baskets, mats, masks and other objects
  10. reflectional symmetry - when one side of something balances out the other side in a mirror-like manner
  11. representation - a symbol, sign, or picture which stands for something or symbolizes it
  12. rotational symmetry - when a design is repeated at intervals around the center point of a circle