Secondary Resources

Key search words: “Leonardo da Vinci”, “ideal proportions”, “Vitruvian man”
A resource about Leonardo da Vinci  for teachers and students developed by the Museum of Science, Boston for the Science Learning Network
Contains information and diagrams about the human body and its proportions.
Contains valuable information about proportion and about drawing or painting the human form.
Site created by two professors at Southern Arkansas University.  Gives a variety of information about proportions and drawing the figure.
Information about Leonardo's Vitruvian Man. Site created by two professors at Southern Arkansas University. 

Key search words: portrait, portraiture
National Portrait Gallery for the United States
Many artists make realistic portraits to show a likeness of their subject. To create realistic faces, artists study live models, use mathematics to understand correct proportion, and practice by making sketches. Students will explore these ideas by studying their classmates' faces, developing a proportion reference sketch, and creating a final portrait of a classmate or a self-portrait.
Practice making a portrait by dragging parts of the face to make a funny face or a realistic portrait.
"Intimate Portrait" game challenges you to match the facts with the famous face before the photo comes into focus. From the television show. Can be used to look at how people are presented to create an image.
National Portrait Gallery for the United Kingdom

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