Pre-Visit | Museum-Visit | Post-Visit



Met Criteria


Activity #1

Student has answered the six observation questions completely and thoughtfully in museum journal. Students has answered the five speculative questions completely based on the cultural clues and his or her own observation. Complete story outline has been written in museum journal with illustrations and diagrams. Student has answered the six observation questions and the five speculative questions completely based on thoughtful observation. Story outline is complete and includes some drawings. Students has answered most of the observation and speculative questions in the museum journal. Student has an outline for a story which will be completed as a post-visit activity.

Activity #2

Student has answered the seven observation questions completely and thoughtfully in museum journal. Students has answered the four speculative questions completely based on the cultural clues and his or her own observation. Complete poem or song outline has been written in museum journal with illustrations and diagrams. Student has answered the seven observation questions and the four speculative questions completely based on thoughtful observation. Poem or song outline is complete and includes some drawings. Students has answered most of the observation and speculative questions in the museum journal. Student has an outline for a poem or song which will be completed as a post-visit activity.

Activity #3

Student’s drawing of the mask is complete and detailed. Student has answered the seven analytical questions thoughtfully based on both opinion and museum information.

Student has drawn mask with some detail and has answered all of the questions using opinion and museum information.

Student has sketched mask and has answered most of the seven analytical questions